Shameless Parenting™️- PSYCHOTHERAPY BUNDLE (birth to 18)
Struggling with helping parents productively talk about healthy sexuality with their kids? Look no further than this complete guide covering every stage of development. Each handout has done all the work for you!
Included in this bundle is an introduction sheet that gives ideas on how to use the product in your clinic, PLUS eight cheat sheets for age groups (0-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-8, 8-10, 10-12, 12-15, 15-18) that gives detailed succinct info on typical emotional and behavioral tasks and curiosities (including sensual/sexual) for that age, information on the typical shame triggers these behaviors might illicit for parents, and suggestions on how to prepare, sooth and heal those areas of reactivity. Also included on each age sheet are the best resources (books and websites) to support the parent and the child.
The license you purchased will allow you to copy the cheat sheets and give them out to parents, make posters from them, or make laminate example pages for your room, office, or foyer. You will have unlimited access to reproduce these and use the cheat sheets in whatever way might best suit the parents, teens, and families you directly serve provide they remain in their original form, are used for educational use only, are not shared outside the institution that purchased them, and are not monetized in any way.
You will have access to updates, latest resources for the different age groups, and access to our online community for parents and professionals where we will have monthly Q&A's, free webinars, and more resources. You will find the Shameless Community at www.TinaSchermerSellers.com and up to date information on IG @DrTinaShameless
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