Find the life(sex) education resources you need for the people you care about.


Glad you found your way hereI At TOP-S.E.C.R.E.T. (Sex Ed Community Resource Empowerment Team) we've developed resources that will help you teach others how to raise kids without sexual shame. Take a look at our resources for therapists, clergy, teachers, and medical professionals.

Don't be caught off-guard!

The very best way to help your child protect themselves, and teach relationship and sex education is not "The Talk" but through 100 - 1 minute conversations each year as they grow up. These cheat sheets will teach you how!!

At your fingertips ...

This is the most important child and adolescent development info for parents available, including sex ed and how to deal with the typical shame triggers nearly all parents feel along the way! Finally, you will feel like someone is holding your hand!

Critical parenting info for each age and stage ...

Have exactly what you need when you need it. Know exactly the best resources to get for both you and kids. Succinct and powerful. Handouts for medical providers, educators, psychotherapists, and clergy to give to parents.

From the experts


Mia Frank, M.D., PCP

Having this material for my patients has been a game-changer. I never had time before to go over this critical information in well-child visits. Now I have a handout to review and send home, and a book to refer them to. I am so grateful!

Mia Frank, M.D., PCP

How the cheat sheets work